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Controlled dish guidance for reliable walk-away operation
Fast Petri dish processing for filling up to 900 plates per hour
Processing of various dish sizes (90, 60 or 35 mm) and dish heights

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0614-LY

Application: For facilitating pour plate applications


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The MEDIAJET is manufactured by INTEGRA Biosciences. It offers unique flexibility to fill petri dishes and test tubes of various sizes. The compact MEDIAJET provides truly reliable unattended operation. It is monitored throughout the filling process. Completely eliminates operational downtime caused by "plugs" due to changes in the culture dish. In addition, MEDIAJET includes a shaker mode for convenient dumping plate applications. The TUBEFILLER option is a perfect extension of the MEDIAJET function, as it allows conversion to tube filling in just one minute for continuous processing of various tubes.


Capacity: 900 plates per hour
Range: filling capacity of up to 540 dishes in a single batch
Quantity: EA


Controlled dish guidance for reliable walk-away operation
Fast Petri dish processing for filling up to 900 plates per hour
Processing of various dish sizes (90, 60 or 35 mm) and dish heights
Biplate option for filling two-compartment Petri dishes
Shaker mode for pour plate applications
TUBEFILLER option for the filling of up to 1000 test tubes in one hour