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Mobius FlexReady Solution for Virus Filtration (CAT#: AM-BP-0029-LC)


Quickly install hardware and easily install optimized Flexware components
One-time flow path to best adapt to changing operating needs
Pre-designed and optimized for parvovirus filtering, giving you confidence and peace of mind

Cat Number: AM-BP-0029-LC

Application: For small virus filtering

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Mobius FlexReady Solution for Virus Filtration is an easy-to-use system with optimized disposable flow paths designed to fully meet your small virus filtering needs. It has the Viresolve® Pro Modus device, a next-generation parvovirus security solution that provides powerful parvovirus removal capabilities in pilot and mid-range processing.
The Mobius FlexReady Solution for Virus Filtration includes a single-use Flexware ™ component, innovative Viresolve
Pro Modus equipment and process-ready hardware systems provide optimal operational flexibility. The single-use nature of the fluid path eliminates the need for cleaning validation. With extensive Millipore support and services, Mobius FlexReady Solution for Virus Filtration is are helpful for you to maximize resource productivity and reduce risk.


Quickly install hardware and easily install optimized Flexware components
One-time flow path to best adapt to changing operating needs
Pre-designed and optimized for parvovirus filtering, giving you confidence and peace of mind

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