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Virosart® CPV (CAT#: AM-BP-0040-LC)


Powerful virus removal capability: Virosart® CPV can retain small non-enveloped viruses (such as PPV, MVM) ≥ 4 LRV and large enveloped viruses (such as MuLV) ≥ 6 LRV. This filter provides the highest virus safety across the flow decay curve, regardless of operating pressure.
Intelligent process transfer: Flexibility can be achieved by using filter cartridges or disposable capsules in existing stainless steel housings.
Easy to use: Virosart® CPV uses water-based diffusion tests for integrity testing, such as Sartocheck® technology based on Sartorius Stedim Biotech

Cat Number: AM-BP-0040-LC

Application: Virus clearance

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PES-based virus filters can effectively remove small non-enveloped and large-encapsulated viruses in biopharmaceutical applications. Virosart® CPV is the best virus filter for monoclonal antibodies or small recombinant proteins.


Powerful virus removal capability: Virosart® CPV can retain small non-enveloped viruses (such as PPV, MVM) ≥ 4 LRV and large enveloped viruses (such as MuLV) ≥ 6 LRV. This filter provides the highest virus safety across the flow decay curve, regardless of operating pressure.
Intelligent process transfer: Flexibility can be achieved by using filter cartridges or disposable capsules in existing stainless steel housings.
Easy to use: Virosart® CPV uses water-based diffusion tests for integrity testing, such as Sartocheck® technology based on Sartorius Stedim Biotech

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