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Analysis of Clusterin (Human) by ELISA (CAT#: STEM-MB-0748-LGZ)


Clusterin is a common heterodimer sulfated glycoprotein, whose gene is located in human chromosome 8p21, contains 449 amino acids, and has a relative molecular mass (Mr) of 75,000 ~ 80,000. It mainly exists in the cytoplasm and is secreted into the intracellular environment. Due to different shear translation of CLU mRNA, two variants of sClusterin (sCLU) and nClusterin (nCLU) are formed, which play the role of anti-apoptosis and promoting apoptosis, respectively. In physiological conditions, CLU is mainly involved in the biological processes such as lipid transport, tissue reconstruction, cell-stroma interaction and cell apoptosis. Numerous studies in recent years have shown that CLU plays an important oncogene role in the occurrence and development of various malignant tumors such as renal cell carcinoma, ovarian cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is an enzyme-labeled solid phase immunoassay technique. Its basic principle is to bind the antigen (or antibody) to the solid phase carrier, and the antigen (or antibody) and a certain enzyme link to enzyme labeled antigen (or antibody). During detection, the sample to be tested and the enzymic antigen (or antibody) react with the antigen (or antibody) on the solid phase carrier according to certain procedures, and then remove the unreacted part by washing method. After adding the substrate, the substrate is catalyzed by the enzyme on the solid phase carrier to produce colored substances. Through qualitative or quantitative detection of the amount of colored products, the content of the substance to be measured in the sample can be determined.


Kidney Injury, Toxicology


1. Add standards or samples to each well and incubate.
2. Pour off the liquid in the well, biotinylated antibody working solution and incubate.
3. Add enzyme conjugate working solution and incubate.
4. Add substrate TMB and incubate.
5. Add stop solution and measure OD value.
6. Calculation of results.


• Sample Type: Serum, plasma, cell culture supernatant and other biological samples