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Bio-Rad XR+ Gel Documentation System, Bio-Rad Laboratories (CAT#: STEM-E-2069-LGZ)


1. The gel or film is placed on the transilluminator, and the transilluminator is set in the drawer, which can enter and exit the dark room, and it is convenient to place the gel or film.
2. Once the gel or membrane is placed, it and the transilluminator are returned to the darkroom with the door closed.
3. After turning on Epi-illumination, you can use the touchpad on the darkroom to adjust the aperture, zoom and focus, and check on the computer monitor until you get the desired gel position, size and focus.

Cat Number: STEM-E-2069-LGZ

Application: For Western blotting, DNA/RNA gel electrophoresis, 2-D gel electrophoresis, densitometry, etc.

Model: XR+

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The manufacturer of Bio-Rad XR+ Gel Documentation System is Bio-Rad Laboratories. Model is XR+. Includes: Cabinets and Cameras, Computers and Software, Manuals. The ChemiDoc XRS system is Bio-Rad's state-of-the-art imaging system. The system is capable of imaging chemiluminescence, fluorescence, and colorimetric samples and features a compact darkroom, turn-illuminator, and supercooled high-resolution 1.44-megapixel CCD camera. The entire system is controlled by the supplied Quantity One 1D analysis software, with additional controls on the compact darkroom to control focus, aperture and zoom. The system is capable of detecting several commonly used chemiluminescence detection methods such as HRP and AP chemiluminescence, ethidium bromide, SYBR green, green fluorescent protein, silver staining, and Coomassie brilliant blue staining. The system uses flat-field technology for excellent uniformity and quantitation. Flat field is a technique that corrects for pixel-to-pixel variation by separating the gain variation from the image, thereby flattening the relative response of each pixel.


Condition: used
CCD Resolution (HxV): 1,392 x 1,040 µm
Pixel density: 65,536 gray levels
Imaging area: 25 x 26 cm
Camera cooling temperature: -50 °C
Camera cooling system: Peltier
Dynamic range: 4 orders of magnitude
Motorized zoom lens: C-mount, f/1.2, 12-75 mm
Illumination modes: Epi-white, trans-UV (302 nm), and white


1. The gel or film is placed on the transilluminator, and the transilluminator is set in the drawer, which can enter and exit the dark room, and it is convenient to place the gel or film.
2. Once the gel or membrane is placed, it and the transilluminator are returned to the darkroom with the door closed.
3. After turning on Epi-illumination, you can use the touchpad on the darkroom to adjust the aperture, zoom and focus, and check on the computer monitor until you get the desired gel position, size and focus.
4. In order to obtain an image, it is necessary to select the appropriate light source for the gel or membrane and to select the integration time through the software. After obtaining a satisfactory image, freeze the image using Quantity One software. Quantity One 1-D image analysis software helps users obtain the best possible images from gels or membranes. The software is user-friendly and comes with built-in quick guides and wizards, and optimization of images and printouts is facilitated.
5. Quantity One 1-D image analysis software is compatible with Microsoft Windows and Macintosh platforms. It can be used for the analysis of 1-D electrophoresis gels, Western blotting membranes, Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE gels, etc., while PDQuest 2-D analysis software can also be used for comparative analysis of multiple 2-D gels at the same time.

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