Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectrometer

Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (fs-TAS) technology is an important method for ultrafast dynamics research, which combines femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe technology with absorption spectroscopy. It has been widely used in the research of biology, physics, chemistry, materials and so on. In the transient absorption experiment, a beam of pump light is used to excite the molecules to be tested to the excited state, and another beam of probe light is used to detect the spectral properties of the sample molecules in the excited state at a certain delay time ∆t. Recording the absorption spectra under all different ∆t can obtain the complete excited state absorption spectrum of the sample molecule to be measured with time, and obtain the kinetic information of the excited state after further processing and analysis. The femtosecond transient absorption spectrometer is an analytical instrument used in the field of materials science.

Sample Requirements

  • Up-conversion time-resolved fluorescence spectrometer (resolution 150 fs): The sample form can be solution state, thin film state, or crystal.
    Excitation wavelength: 400 nm; detection range: 450-700 nm; time range < 1 ns.
  • Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (resolution 30 fs): The sample form can be solution state, thin film state, or crystal.
    Excitation wavelength: 240-2400 nm; detection range: 350-800 nm, time range < 6 ns.
  • Time single photon counter TCSPC (resolution is 10 ps): The sample form can be solution state, film state, crystal, solid and powder.
    Excitation wavelength: 240 - 540 nm; detection range: 300 - 800 nm, time range < 20 ns.
  • Please communicate with the technical director for the specific sample size or quantity. Different samples have different requirements.


  • Study of photophysical properties such as excited state dynamics of matter
  • Detection of photophysical processes for functional materials

Instrument and Result Display

Instrument and Result Display

Instrument and Result Display

Instrument and Result Display


Q1. What is a transient absorption spectrometer?

A. It is an instrument used to measure the properties of transient substances produced after laser excitation.

Q2. What is the role of femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy?

A. The femtosecond transient is the most common form of time-resolved spectroscopy. Through the analysis of femtosecond transient absorption spectra, we can obtain rich photophysical information such as ground state bleaching, stimulated emission and excited state absorption. It can reflect the subsequent photophysical and photochemical relaxation process of the sample in the excited state, and can also reflect the change of the number of particles in the same energy state with the delay time.

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For more information about our femtosecond transient absorption spectrometer testing services, please contact us.

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