Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) (CAT#: STEM-MB-0056-WXH)


Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS), which belongs to one of Reduced-Representation Genome Sequencing techniques, is a method to discover single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in order to perform genotyping studies. GBS greatly reduces genome complexity by using restriction enzymes to cleave the DNA coupled with DNA-barcoded adapters. By choosing appropriate restriction enzymes, GBS can provide high SNP coverage in gene-rich regions of the genome in a highly cost-effective manner, and increase the number of tags in the assay. The sequenced portion of the genome is highly consistent within a population because restriction sites are generally conserved across species. This makes the GBS protocol highly suited for experiments that require surveying.


• Co-dominant SNP genotyping
• Genetic diversity analysis
• Genetic mapping
• QTL mapping
• Bulk segregant analysis
• Mapping to whole genome sequence
• Discovery of (rare) SNP variants
• Genome wide association mapping
• Genomic selection/prediction


1.Perform restriction digestion of purified DNA
2.Ligate samples and adapters
3.Pool and clean up samples


Customer provides tissue, cell, DNA and other samples and related information

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