iDus 1.7µm InGaAs Detector Array, Peak QE>85%, Andor Technology (CAT#: STEM-LE-1431-Y)


0.6 to 1.7 µm;
TE is cooled to -90°C;
Single window design;

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1431-Y

Application: Andor's iDus InGaAs 1.7 array detector series provides an optimized platform for spectroscopy applications up to 1.7 µm.

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The iDus 1.7µm InGaAs Detector Array is manufactured by Andor Technology. The cooling temperature of TE-cooled vacuum InGaAs camera sensor is -90°C, at which the best signal-to-noise ratio can be achieved.


Type: InGaAs array
Pixel resolution: 512 or 1024
Application: Spectroscopy
Cooling method: thermoelectric cooling


0.6 to 1.7 µm;
TE is cooled to -90°C;
Single window design;
25 µm pixel width option;
The shortest exposure time is 1.4 µs;
Software selectable output amplifier;
Simple USB 2.0 connection;

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