Imaging Flow Cytometry (IFC) (CAT#: STEM-CBT-0053-WXH)


Imaging flow cytometry (IFC), also called multispectral imaging flow cytometry, is a powerful tool that enables us to collect information from single cells, including those from fluorescent images.
Major advantages of IFC are (1) high fluorescence sensitivity, (2) high image resolution capability, (3) high speed processing, (4) ability to analyse changes in cell or nuclear morphology, (5) rare cell detection ability, and (6) capacity to understand cell-cell interaction


Imaging flow cytometers (IFC) , combine traditional flow cytometry with fluorescence microscopy. This allows for rapid analysis of a sample for morphology and multi-parameter fluorescence at both a single cell and population level.


• Co-localization of two proteins
• Binding of two cells
• Changes in morphological changes
• Immune synapse formation
• Nuclear translocation
• Studies in cell cycle, apoptosis, signal transduction, nanomedicine research


1.Cell culture
2.Cell fication
4.Image acquisition and analysis

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