Leica TCS SP5 II Confocal Microscope, Leica Biosystems (CAT#: STEM-M-1389-LGZ)


1. Freedom of filters.
2. Spectral detection.
3. Three PMTs plus one HyD.

Cat Number: STEM-M-1389-LGZ

Application: For microscopic analysis.

Model: TCS SP5 II

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The manufacturer of Leica TCS SP5 II Confocal Microscope is Leica Biosystems. Model is TCS SP5 II. The Leica TCS SP5 II confocal covers a wide range of requirements for confocal and multiphoton imaging - with full array scan speed at the highest resolution. The system features high-efficiency SP detection (5 channels simultaneously) and optional AOBS (Acousto-Optical Beam Splitter) to provide bright, noise-free images at high speeds with minimal optical damage. As the platform for the Leica DM6000 CFS (Confocal Fixed Stage), the super-resolution Leica TCS STED, Leica TCS SMD and Leica TCS SP5 X and Leica TCS SP5 II offer unparalleled flexibility for confocal research.


Condition: used
Leica TCS SP5 II (Leica Microsystems, Germany)

Inverted microscope Leica DMI6000-CS (Leica Microsystems, Germany)

LAS AF (Leica Microsystems, Germany)

HC PLAN APO CS 10x /0.40 (working distance: 2200 um)
HC PL APO Lbl. Blue 20x /0.70 IMM/CORR (uses either water, glycerine or oil; working distance: 260 um)
HC PL APO CS 40x /1.10 CORR Water (working distance: 630 um)
HC PL APO Lbl. Blue 63x /1.40 Oil (working distance: 10 0um)
HC PL APO CS 63x /1.30 Glycerine 21 °C (working distance: 280 um)

Diode 405 nm
Ar 458, 476, 488, 496, 514 nm
DPSS561 561 nm
HeNe 633 nm


1. Freedom of filters.
2. Spectral detection.
3. Three PMTs plus one HyD.
4. Tandem scanner (high-speed resonance plus conventional).
5. Motorized XY stage.
6. With an environmental chamber, it is temperature and CO2 controlled.

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