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MSPM09840-HMMTS9840, Spectrometer, HAMAMATSU S98401 Sensor, USB2.0 Interface. (CAT#: STEM-SOT-0001-TP)


MSPM09840A(P/N: TS309840)

Micro-spectrometer with 200-1100 wavelength range

Cat Number: STEM-SOT-0001-TP

Application: It can be used with ToupTek cameras.

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The MSPM09840A is a miniature spectrometer with a wavelength range of 200-1100. It uses a HAMAMATSU S98401 sensor and mounts a detector collection lens. The USB2.0 interface and plug-and-play capability make it easy to operate.


Dimensions (mm): 95×68.5×36

Weight (g): 210

Detector: HAMAMATSU S9840

Wavelength Response Range (nm): 200-1000

Active Pixels: 2048X14

Pixel size (µm): 14×14

Pixel well capacity (ke-): 130

Saturation Exposure(lx·s): 0.004

Saturation Output Voltage: 0.8V

A/D Resolution: 16 bit

Dark Current(pA/cm2): 40(MAX 120)

Photo response Non-uniformity: ±3%

Sensitivity (uV/e-): 4.0

Optical System: F/4, symmetrical crossed Czerny-Turner

Focal length (mm): 98.5 (input); 98.5 (output)

Entrance Aperture (µm): 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 .etc width slits or fiber (customizable)

Grating: Various kinds of scoring grating or holographic grating with different grating constants and flare wavelengths (customizable)

Cylindrical Lens: optional

Optical Filter: Band pass or long pass filters to eliminate secondary spectrum

Fiber and Fiber Connection: NA 0.22, SMA905 (customizable)

Wavelength Range: Depends on optical grating

Optical Resolution (nm): 0.14-10 FWHM (Depends on grating constant, width of slit and detector model)

SNR: 450:1 (Full signal)

Wavelength Tolerance (nm): About ±0.2

Dark noise (RMS counts): 50

Integration Time: 10um-7.8s

Dynamic Range: 2.0×108(system); 5200:1 (single acquisition)

Stray light: <0.05% at 550nm

Power Consumption: 400 mA×5 V DC

Data Transfer Speed: Full spectrum into memory every 2.4 ms at USB 2.0

Operating System: Windows /XP/Vista/7/8 (32 and 64)

Interface: USB 2.0 (480Mbps), compatible with USB 1.1

Name: Remark

Light Source: Used for wide range spectral measurements or wavelength calibration: for example halogen tungsten, xenon or argon light sources

Integration Sphere: Used to acquire uniform light

Reflection Measurement Accessory: Components used for reflection spectrum measurements: for example standard reflection board or specialized clamp

Transmission Measurement Accessory: Components used for transmission spectrum measurement: for example sample holder and various kinds of cuvettes


MSPM09840A(P/N: TS309840)

Micro-spectrometer with 200-1100 wavelength range

HAMAMATSU S98401 sensor

USB2.0 interface and plug and play capabilities

Detector collection lens installed

A proprietary multi-bandpass order sorting filter

WIN XP/Vista/7/8 (32 or 64 bit)