Reduced-Representation Sequencing (RRS-seq) (CAT#: STEM-MB-0054-WXH)


Reduced-representation sequencing (RRS), is an approach to generate genome-wide high-throughput sequencing data and obtain a large number of genetic polymorphism tag sequences to fully represent the whole genome information of the species. RRS not only simplifies the sequencing method, given only the digested fragments are sequenced, it also simplifies the sequenced genome. Therefore, it is widely used in molecular marker development, population genetic analysis, genetic map construction, QTL mapping, genome-wide association analysis and other population research and molecular breeding fields.


• Development of molecular markers: identification of individual SNPs/InDel markers, integration of population SNPs markers
• Population genetic evolution: population genetic level analysis based on SNPs data, including population evolution analysis, population structure analysis, gene flow, pedigree testing, PCA analysis, etc.
• Assist in the assembly of de novo detailed genome map
• Genome-wide association analysis (GWAS)


There are several different methods of RRS, including GBS, ddGBS, RAD, 2bRAD, ddRAD, SALF, etc. The principles of these methods are basically the same, differences lie in whether single or double restriction enzymes used, random breaks needed


Customer provides tissue, cell, DNA and other samples and related information