Western Blotting for detecting a certain protein (CAT#: STEM-MB-0169-WXH)


Western blotting is a method for detecting a certain protein in a complex sample based on the specific combination of antigen and antibody. This method is a new immunobiochemical technology developed on the basis of gel electrophoresis and solid-phase immunoassay technology, high specificity and sensitivity.
The principle of Western blot: The cells or biological tissue samples treated by gel electrophoresis are stained by specific antibodies. Information about the expression of specific proteins in the analyzed cells or tissues can be obtained by analyzing the location and depth of staining.


• Identification of a protein
• Qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of proteins
• Validation of protein production after cloning
• Medical diagnostics (HIV test or BSE test) medical diagnostics
• Doping Test


1. Sample Preparation
2. Determine the protein and calculate the amount of electrophoresis sample
3. Electrophoresis
4. Membrane transfer and detection


• Customers provide fresh or properly preserved samples
• Customers provide effective primary antibodies
• Customers provide detailed background information on the target protein to be detected