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A100 AFM Atomic Force Microscopes, A.P.E. Research (CAT#: STEM-M-0062-LKN)


Robust and reliable operation high-end research Scanning Probe Microscope.
Monoatomic step resolution even with 100 x 100 μm scanner.
High accuracy in repositioning over all scanning range with no border distortion.

Cat Number: STEM-M-0062-LKN

Application: AFM exploits atomic interaction forces between the tip and the sample surface to reconstruct the topography of the sample nanostructures.

Model: A100 AFM

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A.P.E. Research A100 AFM Atomic Force Microscopes is a versatile atomic force microscope suited to a wide variety of applications including bioscience, surface science, semiconductor technology, magnetic media, polymer science, optics, chemistry and medicine. The close loop flexure scanning stage guarantees absolute positioning and high planarity.

A100 supports major SPM scanning techniques: Contact AFM mode, Non-contact mode, Semi-contact mode, Phase Imaging, Force Modulation, Lateral Force Microscopy, Force Curves Analysis, Electric properties, Magnetic Force Microscopy, STM, etc.


A100 SPM scanning system:
The system can be equipped with various type of scanners for different working ranges

Standard scanner technical data:
X-Y scan size:
100 x 100 μm (high voltage mode);
10 x 10 μm (low voltage mode)
High voltage closed loop resolution: 0.4 nm
High voltage open loop resolution: 0.1 nm
Closed loop linearity: 0.1%.

Z scan size:
10 μm (high voltage mode)
1 μm (low voltage mode)
Resolution: 0.1 nm (high voltage mode), 0.01 nm (low voltage mode)

A.P.E. Research has developed additional AFM tools for specific measurements modes (EFM, MFM, STM, Phase Imaging, CAFM, KPM Nanolithography, etc...).


Robust and reliable operation high-end research Scanning Probe Microscope.
Monoatomic step resolution even with 100 x 100 μm scanner.
High accuracy in repositioning over all scanning range with no border distortion.
High Sensitivity for low force measurements.
Best for soft materials.
Modular structure capable to provide different scanning probe modes. The system can be upgrade with different new modules.

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