Cell Line STR Genotyping by Capillary Electrophoresis (CAT#: STEM-ET-0307-ZJF)


Cell line STR genotyping is also known as short tandem repeat (STR) typing, simple repeat (SSR) typing, or Microsatellite typing, is used to detect simple repetitive sequences that are widely distributed in eukaryotic genomes. Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) are efficient tools for mapping specific traits or to follow the flow of genetic material in a population. The technology is based on the presence of short tracks of di, tri, tetra or penta nucleotide repeats which are common in the genomes of eukaryotic organisms. Due to the large number of such repeated sequences in the human genome, 20 loci and one sex locus Amelogenin are amplified and detected through the detection of STR polymorphism to distinguish differences between individuals and determine kinship.


Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) is physical method of analysis which performs in a separation channel of elastic quartz capillary, under the influence of a high voltage direct current field. Charged analytes dissolved in an electrolyte solution are separated based on differences in mobility and/or distribution behavior of components. The migration velocity of an analyte under an electric field is determined by the electrophoretic mobility of the analyte and the electro-osmotic mobility of the buffer inside the capillary. The electrophoretic mobility of a solute depends on the characteristics of the solute (electric charge, molecular size and shape) and those of the buffer in which the migration takes place (type and ionic strength of the electrolyte, pH, viscosity and additives). Capillary electrophoresis provides greater resolution, higher sensitivity and online detection. It enables single-cell analysis and even single-molecule analysis, optimizing separation and analysis of biological macromolecules.


Genomics, STRs


1. Genomic DNA extraction
2. PCR amplification
3. Capillary electrophoresis detection
4. Raw data analysis


• Capillary electrophoresis apparatus
• Sample solution
• Buffer solution


Sample requirements:
DNA: DNA content > 50ng/μl, volume > 20μl, transported by ice pack.
Cell: > 10^6, collect cell precipitate, dry ice transport.