Depression Animal Model (CAT#: STEM-AE-0036-WXH)


Depression is a mental illness characterized by low emotion, slow thinking, and reduced speech and action, and can lead to suicide in severe cases. Chronic mild stress (CMS) is a well-validated and widely used animal model of depression, based on the loss of responsiveness to rewards by animals subjected to a varying schedule of minor stressors. The stimulating factors used in CMS are similar to the intensity of stress events experienced by people in life, which can better simulate the core symptoms of human anhedonia and loss of interest, and the model is stable and long-lasting, which is ideal as a depression stress model


• Antidepressant Drug Screening.
• Research on the Pathophysiological Mechanism of Depression.


1. Selection of animal species.
2. Stress type and combination selection, including water fasting, ice water swimming, tail pinching, etc.
3. Modeling.
4. Model evaluation

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