Coumarin has clinical medical value by itself, as an edema modifier i.e. anti-inflammatory activity. Coumarin and other benzopyrones, such as 5,6 benzopyrone, 1,2 benzopyrone, diosmin and others are known to stimulate macrophages to degrade extracellular albumin, allowing faster resorption of edematous fluids. Coumarin is also used as a gain medium in some dye lasers. Coumarin has appetitesuppressing properties, suggesting one reason for its widespread occurrence in plants, especially grasses and clovers, is because of its effect of reducing the impact of grazing animals. Coumarin is used in the pharmaceutical industry as a precursor molecule in the synthesis of a number of synthetic anticoagulant dicoumarol, notably warfarin (which has a common and confusing brand name Coumadin) and some even more potent rodenticides that work by the same anticoagulant mechanism.