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G-banding (CAT#: STEM-GT-0010-WXH)


G-banding is a cytogenetics technique that helps determine the number and appearance of chromosomes by staining condensed metaphase chromosomes to produce a visible karyotype. When stained with Giemsa stain, the heterochromatic regions will present darker while the euchromatin sections will present light bands in G-banding. The chromosomes are stained in a distinctive pattern that allows the pairing of homologous chromosomes and is useful for verifying the genetic integrity of cells (primary cell and iPSCs) and for identifying structural abnormalities, through the photographic representation of the entire chromosome within the cell. It is well-known that long-term in vitro culture of cells and passaging introduces karyotypic/ chromosomal abnormalities in 20-50% of cells (e.g., insertions, deletions, duplications, translocations), and may lead to invasive cell populations that could affect cellular phenotype and integrity of results.


Chromosome banding techniques produce a series of consistent landmarks along the length of metaphase chromosomes that allow for both recognition of individual chromosomes within a genome and identification of specific segments of individual chromosomes.
The metaphase chromosomes are treated with trypsin (to partially digest the chromosome) and stained with Giemsa stain. Heterochromatic regions, which tend to be rich with adenine and thymine (AT-rich) DNA and relatively gene-poor, stain more darkly in G-banding. In contrast, less condensed chromatin (Euchromatin)—which tends to be rich with guanine and cytosine (GC-rich) and more transcriptionally active—incorporates less Giemsa stain, and these regions appear as light bands in G-banding. The less condensed the chromosomes are, the more bands appear when G-banding. This means that the different chromosomes are more distinct in prophase than they are in metaphase.


Verifying the genetic integrity of cells (primary cell and iPSCs) .
Identifying chromosome structural abnormalities.
Identifying genetic diseases.


1. A slide is placed in the first Coplin jar containing the trypsin/NaCl mixture for a prescribed amount of time.
2. The slide is removed and rinsed by sequential dipping into the 0.9% NaCl rinsing jars.
3. The slide is then placed in the staining jar containing the Gurrs stain and buffer for 5 minutes.
4. After the staining time has elapsed, the slide is rinsed by sequential dipping into the two Gurrs buffer rinsing jars.
5. The slide is removed from the last rinse and air dried and coverslipped with Cytoseal 60. It is allowed to dry in the oven (50°C) after which it is ready for metaphase scanning under the microscope.


Microscope, Trypsin-Giemsa solution

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