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NOR banding (CAT#: STEM-GT-0015-WXH)


NOR stands for nucleolus organizer region and are important for the formation of the nucleolus of a cell. NOR banding or N banding is yet another specialized banding technique, specially developed to stain those regions which have the nucleolar organizing regions. Either silver nitrate or Ammoniacal silver are two methods commonly employed. Note that the NOR banding is so useful in detecting the Down syndrome- trisomy 21.


The base of NOR bands is to extract or digest the DNA, RNA and histone proteins, hence all the chromosomal constituents get digested, however, the region of acrocentric chromosomes near the constitutive heterochromatin region remain undigested due to the presence of non-histone proteins. That non-histones of NOR stained darker and looks like one or two darker spots of different size. This specialized structure is linked with the NOR and chromatin only but not with the gene body. There no other regions get stained.


Investigate and study the NOR- nucleolar organizing regions present on different chromosomes.
Investigate and study the acrocentric chromosomes.
Other chromosomal aberrations such as Robertsonian translocation chromosomal rearrangements of acrocentric chromosomes can be studied by combining the NOR with G banding or FQF banding.


1. NOR banding using silver nitrate:
2. Prepare the silver nitrate solution.
3. Take a Petri dish and place a wet tissue paper or paper towel in it.
4. Place the pre-aged slides in the Petri dish, apply a few drops of silver nitrate solution and cover it with a coverslip.
5. Incubate at 37°C for 24 hours in dark.
6. The next day, wash the slide with water, dry it and stain it with Giemsa solution.


Petri dish, slides and coverslips, pasture pipette, silver nitrate solution (store in dark water), Ammonical silver, ammonium hydroxide and formalin.

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