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Fosmid Library Construction for mapping whole genome (CAT#: STEM-MB-0036-WXH)


Fosmids are similar to cosmids but are based on the bacterial F-plasmid. Fosmids are commonly used for preparing genomic libraries when a uniform insert size is desired. Fosmid library can be applied in whole genome physical map construction, the studies of gene function, gene expression and gene regulation. It is also a useful tool in map-based cloning of an important gene and the analysis of gene consistence. The advantages are as follows:
1. it exists as a single copy in the host bacterium with good stability due to the insertion of the E. coli fecundity factor F-factor.
2. The Fosmid vector has an inducible oriV high copy replication start site, which can be induced to high copy (around 50) when needed.
3. Good randomness ensures that each segment of DNA appears in the library with equal frequency.


• Map cloning of genes, construction of physical maps and comparative genomic studies
• Studies of gene function, gene expression and gene regulation


1.Extraction of genomic DNA
2.Genomic DNA interruption processing
3.DNA ligation to vector after interruption
4.Packaging of ligation products
5.Infection of E. coli cells
6.Detection of fosmid library


Customer to provide adequate amount of fresh samples (animal or plant tissue or genomic DNA)