MCP-1 Signaling Pathway Assay (CAT#: STEM-MB-0374-WXH)


Monocyte chemotactic protein 1(MCP-1), also known as monoctye chemotactic and activating factor (MCAF), is a member of the C-C subfamily (subfamily β). MCP-1/MCAF was initially identified from human myeloid monocyte line THP-1, glioma cell lines, and LPS or PHA-stimulated human PBMC culture supernatants. It is now known that monocytes, macrophages, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, B cells, and smooth muscle cells can be induced to secrete MCP-1 upon stimulation with PHA, LPS, Poly I-C, IL-1, IFN-γ, PDGF, EGF, or certain viruses.


MCP-1 gene transcription require activation or binding of NF-κB and AP-1, thereby activating downstream signal transduction pathways. MCP-1 recruits mononuclear/macrophages and stimulates interstitial fibroblasts, which promote extracellular matrix protein deposition, leading to interstitial fibrosis.


Study the impact of each clinical virus on the MCP-1 signaling pathway
Research on the regulatory mechanism of MCP-1 signaling pathway in medicine


• Luminex Multiplex Assay
• Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
• Flow cytometry (FACS analysis) technology


Detectable targets: RTK, IRAK4, JNK, mTOR, PKR, MEKK1, PI3K, STAT5, MYD88, ISRE, TRAF5, RIP1, TYK2, Vav, Rac1, Fas, IRS1, IRF9, STAT1, TBK1, TLR4, p38, MEK6, GAS, STAT2, PI3K, CD3, TLR9, MHC-II, TRAF3, STAT3, MSK2, IRF5, Rel, p50, RIG-1, PSGL1, ISGF3, MEK3, NAP1, SLP76, NFκB, IRS2, TNFR, p38MAPK, MAPK, TRAM, Mda-5, MSK1, TRIF, SH2, IRF3, TCR, TLR3, Tak1, TRAF6, CREB, icam1

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