Subsurface Damage Detection on Ground Silicon Wafers Using Polarized Laser Scattering (CAT#: STEM-ST-0165-YJL)


Single crystal silicon is widely used as a substrate material in the semiconductor industry because of the excellent physical and electronic properties. A silicon wafer is hard and brittle, which makes it hard to machine. Grinding is the most efficient process to machine the silicon wafer. However, subsurface damage (SSD), including subsurface cracks (SSC) and residual stresses (RS), is inevitably induced in a grinding process. SSD, especially SSC, degrades the performance and reduces the life of the final products. Therefore, it is necessary to detect and thus remove SSD by the subsequent processes.


Laser scattering method is a commonly used material detection method, which uses a laser beam to irradiate the sample, and analyzes the physical and chemical properties of the sample by detecting the intensity and direction of the scattered light from the sample. This method has the advantages of non-contact, high sensitivity, and high resolution, and is widely used in materials science, biomedicine, and environmental monitoring.
The detection principle of the laser scattering method is based on the scattering phenomenon of light. When the laser beam hits the surface of the sample, part of the light will be scattered in all directions, forming scattered light. The intensity and direction of these scattered light are related to the physical and chemical properties of the sample, so the properties of the sample can be analyzed by detecting the characteristics of the scattered light.


Laser light scattering (LLS) is used to determine size of various particles including proteins, polymers, micelles and nanoparticles.


1. Sample preparation
2. Measurement by scattering detection instrument
3. Data analysis


Laser Light Scattering Instrument