Ultraviolet / Visible / Near Infrared Spectrophotometer (UV / VIS / NIR)

Ultraviolet / Visible / Near Infrared spectrophotometry (UV / VIS / NIR) is a non-destructive, non-contact optical characterization technique used to measure reflectance, absorbance, and transmittance of liquids and solids. It can be used to refine advanced optical modeling, or to make efficient, direct measurements of standard optical properties. It is frequently used in a wide range of applications including pharmaceutical, food and beverage, chemical, education, etc.

Sample Requirements

  • The powder sample should not be less than 100 mg. When the sample amount is small, it will be mixed with barium sulfate and then tested (barium sulfate is used as a blank to buckle the back and bottom), so recycling is not recommended.
  • The size of the film sample is about 1×1 cm, and the test surface must be marked.
  • The liquid sample is 10-15 mL, the solvent is non-toxic and has no irritating smell (please prepare a blank solvent for non-aqueous solvents, which is used to buckle the back), and the concentration of the solution needs to be informed.
  • For a bulk sample with a film on a similar substrate, if you want to deduct the influence of the substrate, you need to prepare 2 blank substrates.
  • The reflectance of UV test is relative reflectance, that is, the reflectance relative to a standard sample. The reference material is mostly polytetrafluoroethylene standard or BaSO4 white board.


  • Test project: absorption, reflection, transmission
  • For use in the fields of thin films, optical components and glass, semiconductors - photonic and optoelectronic devices, advanced materials and nanomaterials, etc.

Instrument and Result Display

Instrument and Result Display

Instrument and Result Display

Instrument and Result Display

Recommended Projects

For more information about our ultraviolet / visible / near infrared spectrophotometer (UV / VIS / NIR) testing services, please contact us.

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