Actin Dynamics Pathway Assay (CAT#: STEM-MB-0359-WXH)


Actin is an important component of microfilaments, which is essential for cell morphology changes, migration, proliferation and survival. Changes in the actin cytoskeleton play an important role in a variety of biological behaviors, such as phagocytosis and the formation of T cell immune synapses. The actin cell dynamics signaling pathway helps to better understand the related biological behaviors.


In mammalian cells, there is a continuum of extracellular matrix-plasma membrane-cytoskeleton, and extracellular signals can transmit signals into the cell through this continuum. The regulation of actin cytoskeleton is mainly through plasma membrane integrins, G protein-coupled receptors, receptor tyrosine kinases, etc. These molecules combine with ligands on the plasma membrane to transmit extracellular signals to the cytoskeleton, and ultimately directly Regulate actin cell structure proteins such as Arp2/3 complex, etc., which leads to the formation of different actin-dependent structures, which in turn affects cell migration, differentiation and other cytological behaviors.


To study the regulation mechanism of actin dynamics signal pathway in disease
To study the effect of each virus on actin dynamics signaling pathway
To study the effects of drugs or therapies on actin dynamics signaling pathways


• Luminex Multiplex Assay
• Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
• Flow cytometry (FACS analysis) technology


Detectable targets: BD-2, BDN, Catenin-beta, 1, Catenin-γ, C-reactive, Protein, CTGF, CTACK, Eotaxin, Eotaxin-2, ERCC6, E-Selectin, FER, FAK, FAS, FGF-16, FGF-17, FGF-5, FGF-4, FGF-basic, Eotaxin-3, Mda-5, NFκB, RIG-1, TRAF3, BRAK, C-Ki, MEKK1, p38, RIP1, TRAF5, Histone-H3, IRF5, MEK3, p38MAPK, SH2, CD44, IKK-α, IRS1, MEK6, p50, SLP76, CD40

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