Chemiluminescent immunoassay to detect antigens and antibodys (CAT#: STEM-MB-0175-WXH)


Chemiluminescence immunoassay is an assay that combine chemiluminescence technique with immunochemical reactions. Similar with other labeled immunoassays (RIA, FIA, ELISA), Chemiluminescence immunoassay utilize chemical probes which could generate light emission through chemical reaction to label the antibody.


The basic principle is that the enzyme in the immunoreaction acts on the luminescent substrate, causing a chemical reaction and releasing a large amount of energy to produce an excited state intermediate. This excited state intermediates back to the stable ground state, can be emitted at the same time photons.


• Environmental monitoring.
• Cinical diagnosis.
• Food safety and pharmaceutical analysis.


1. Encapsulated antibody
2. Washing
3. Add the sample to be tested and the positive standard
4. Washing
5. add enzyme-labeled antibodies
6. Washing
7. Chemiluminescence assay