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DNA Methylation Microarray (CAT#: STEM-MB-0148-WXH)


DNA methylation plays an important and dynamic role in regulating gene expression. DNA methylation is essential for normal development and is associated with a number of key processes including genomic imprinting, X-chromosome inactivation, suppression of repetitive elements, and associated with a number of key processes including genomic imprinting, X-chromosome inactivation, suppression of repetitive elements, and carcinogenesis.
Methylation microarray is a DNA methylation high-throughput screening technology that is accurate down to the methylation change of a single base. Single-base resolution achieves full coverage of gene regions and CpG islands. DNA methylation microarray greatly accelerates the development of methylation research, enhancing research efficiency, and likely to develop into an effective tool for human disease diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.


• Epigenetic Studies
• Early Cancer Detection
• Embryonic Development Research
• iPS and stem cell research


1. Genomic DNA extraction.
2. Nitrite treatment of genomic DNA:
3. Chip hybridization
4. Single base extension reaction.
5. Microarray scanning.
6. Data analysis.


Customers provide tissue, cell, and genomic DNA samples.

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