Measurement of Intracellular pH by Flow Cytometry (CAT#: STEM-CBT-0056-WXH)


Intracellular pH (pHi) plays many critical roles in cell, enzyme, and tissue activities, including proliferation and apoptosis, multidrug resistance (MDR), ion transport, endocytosis, and muscle contraction.Monitoring pH changes inside living cells is also important for studying cellular internalization pathways, such as phagocytosis, endocytosis, and receptor ligand internalization. Changes of pHi effect the nervous system too, by influencing synaptic transmission, neuronal excitability, cell-cell coupling via gap junctions, and signal cascades. Abnormal pHi values are associated with inappropriate cell function, growth, and division and are observed in some common disease types such as cancer and Alzheimer’s.


Qualitative measurements of pHi can be achieved using fluorescent indicators that switch on or off at sharply defined pH values.


• Studying cellular internalization pathways, such as phagocytosis, endocytosis, and receptor ligand internalization.
• Studying of proliferation and apoptosis, multidrug resistance (MDR), ion transport, endocytosis, and muscle contraction.
• Studying of nervous system, including synaptic transmission, neuronal excitability, cell-cell coupling via gap junctions, and signal cascades.
• Studying of some diseases, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s.


1.Prepare cells
2.Centrifuge to remove growth medium
4.Centrifuge to remove the dye loading solution
5.Re-suspend cells
6.Analyze sample with a flow cytometer


The most widely used: BCECF

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