Measurement of Kinematic Viscosity of Unstimulated Whole Saliva by Capillary Viscometer (CAT#: STEM-PPA-0005-YJL)


Whole saliva is a watery complex mixture of proteins and other molecules secreted principally by the salivary glands. Saliva contributes to numerous functions in oral cavity such as speech and swallowing of foods, maintenance of oral health, protection of mucosa from bacterial attack and fungal growth, prevention of demineralization of teeth and lubrication of oral cavity. Lubrication is generated by the viscous resistance to motion of saliva between surfaces and viscosity is the most representative parameter of this function. The most important macromolecules that contribute largely to the rheological properties and to the protective action of saliva are mucins. Rheologically saliva is a non-Newtonian pseudo plastic fluid (i.e. dynamic viscosity decreases upon increasing shear rate). Understanding saliva rheology and the principles that affect his properties are clinically important for people with a compromised or altered function or production of saliva.


A capillary viscometer is an instrument used to measure the viscosity, or thickness, of a liquid by measuring how long it takes the liquid to flow through a small-diameter tube, or capillary. The flow, or efflux, time is directly proportional to the liquid's kinematic viscosity, and may be converted directly to viscosity by use of a conversion factor unique to each instrument. Viscosity is generally temperature dependent, so the capillary viscometer is usually used in a controlled-temperature water bath set to a specific temperature.
The capillary method is used to determine the viscosity of a Newtonian fluid (a liquid with a viscosity independent of the shearing stress or rate of shear). Capillary viscometer calculations are performed using suspended level capillary viscometers and Ostwald-type capillary viscometers.


Mineral oil industry; Food industry; Cosmetic/pharmaceutical industry; Petroleum industry


1. Select the capillary viscometer and load the sample.
2. Adjust the bath temperature.
3. Determine the efflux time of the sample.


• Sample Type: Newtonian fluid