Low-coverage whole-genome sequencing (LcWGS-seq) (CAT#: STEM-MB-0049-WXH)


Low-coverage whole-genome sequencing (LcWGS-seq) is a new generation of low sequencing cost marker development methods following simplified genome sequencing. It leverages probabilistic statistical strategies by sacrificing sequencing depth in exchange for greater genome coverage and larger sample size.
Low-depth resequencing technology can reduce sequencing cost by reducing sequencing data volume, and obtain high-density SNPs genome-wide by genotype padding. For genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) and genome selection (GS), low-depth resequencing technology can meet their needs of high SNP density and large sample size in a more cost-effective way.


Powerful and cost-effective approach for population genomic studies in both model and nonmodel species


1.Extraction of genomic DNA
2.DNA quality control
3.Library construction
4.High throughput sequencing
5.Sequencing data pre-processing
6.Reference sequence alignment


Customer provids tissue or DNA samples

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